When folks ask for or suggest a pattern, I don’t always jump on it. My life is a little crazy, with multiple part-time jobs that make up the whole. And then there’s my love of designing these felt birds and critters – the side gig. The pattern suggestion has to vibe with me – and if it doesn’t take today – it might tomorrow. And I have to have time.

That said, last week, Amy reached out to me and asked about a pig pattern.

My son is in a 4-H group (pigs) in Cumberland Co Maine. Things are so different this year [with COVID-19] trying to keep kids engaged, connected, and have some fun. For over thirty years, the kids have had a big party called the swine spectacular as an awards banquet, pot luck, and some holiday fun. We are trying to think of something fun over Zoom for this year.

Free Pig Felt Pattern

So over the past couple of days, I’ve played around with a design – trying to be realistic – but cute. Here’s the Playful Pig. My favorite element is his curly tail on the backside. So all you 4H kids (and everyone else), enjoy!

Free piglet pattern


Free Pig Pattern