Blame it On the Moon

Blame it On the Moon

Blame it on the moon. That’s what I said when I arrived to work later than planned this morning. When I saw the full moon behind the mist over frosty barrens, I had to pull over and take about five dozen pictures of the exact same view. This evening, I attended...
Those Ears!

Those Ears!

Hannah and I hoped that Gidget would keep her floppy ears. However, at 14 weeks, it’s pretty obvious that isn’t going to be the case. She’s got this one ear up, one ear down thing going on – it’s as if she’s saluting. It’s...
A Cute Battle of Wills

A Cute Battle of Wills

This is one of my favorite pictures of Gidget. As she was sleeping, I tip-toed over and just as I snapped the pic with my iPhone, her eyes popped open. Ten weeks old today, Gidget is staging a coop. She thinks her cuteness is a trump card allowing her to rule the...
Gidget at 8 Weeks

Gidget at 8 Weeks

Although still a young puppy who sleeps a lot, Gidget has moments where her personality has begun to shine. Here’s a peak at her playful side with belly rubs. And a short video clip featuring Gidget. Enjoy,...
Meet Gidget!

Meet Gidget!

Following what seems like the two longest weeks of our lives, Paul and I drove to Augusta to pick up Gidget and bring her home yesterday. As Paul says, “She’s impossibly cute.” He hadn’t met her before, but he fell instantly in love with this...
Recycling with Recycled Feed Bags

Recycling with Recycled Feed Bags

We don’t have recycling pickup at the curb here. Well, we won’t have a curb, but that’s neither here nor there. We hang on to our recyclables until we have enough to justify a trip into to town, or we become totally overrun with recyclables and...
Dandelion Seeds

Dandelion Seeds

I love patterns. I see them everywhere in nature – in the clouds, in the marsh grass, in the boat-shaped petals of a Lupin, in winter’s drifts of snow. And in dandelion blowballs. At first glance, it’s just another weed gone to seed. I have a lot of...
Snow Rolling In

Snow Rolling In

Thursdays are spent at the Women’s Health Resource Library in Milbridge. This is the view of the Narraguagus River from the window this morning. Another round of snow moving in, eclipsing the sunrise.   Thankfully this will just bring a few inches rather than...
Crescent Moon

Crescent Moon

A rising crescent moon vying for attention with the setting sun. My iPhone doesn’t do the scene justice.
A Cat’s Spot

A Cat’s Spot

Have you ever noticed how cats like to sit on a “spot?” These random spots are kitty magnets. The spot may be a newspaper sitting on the floor. A dish towel that’s fallen off the counter. A t-shirt left on the bed. A box lid sitting on the floor. A...
Shades of Autumn

Shades of Autumn

As October comes to a close, here are a few of my favorite autumn photos from the month. Full color on the Mill River Wounded wing In transition Glorious maple Autumn on the East Machias River Serendipitous sun flowers Lingering butterfly Brilliant autumn barren The...
Your Most Wished for Bird Pattern: Winner

Your Most Wished for Bird Pattern: Winner

Update 7/26/14: The winner is Lea Ellis! The next bird pattern will be an indigo bunting! Stay tuned. I’ve never done a giveaway here. My blog started as a chronicle of our life here in Maine for our family and friends – both longtime and new. However, the...
A Squirrel to Tea

A Squirrel to Tea

I have a number of china tea cups acquired throughout the years – the where, when and why mostly forgotten. They’ve been stashed in a box in the guest room collecting dust since we moved to Maine. A few of the cups now have a higher purpose. I turned them...
Downeast Thunder Farm Owl Pillow Project

Downeast Thunder Farm Owl Pillow Project

For some time I’ve been searching for fabric to make sofa pillows. Finding a pattern I like that has the right colors? – robin egg blue, brown, green and a touch of red has been challenging. At least one that fits my budget – which is next to...
Yankee Ingenuity: Studded Muck Boots

Yankee Ingenuity: Studded Muck Boots

The weather has been a challenging lately – even for Maine. Snow, rain, ice, and more of the same. Forget the pond – we could ice skate on the driveway. We’ve got ice grips that go on our shoes, but they never stay put – no matter the brand....
Suspended in Ice

Suspended in Ice

Knocking down spider webs from the ceiling of the front stoop is really one of that after-thought kind of thing. I don’t put it on my “to do” list. It’s not like I spend any time there – I just pass through, usually in a hurry. The snowy,...