A Summer of Selfies

A Summer of Selfies

T-1 day. Our last day of the summer before taking Hannah back to college. We spent a few hours in our happy place on this most glorious of summer days. After walking the beach, we parked ourselves of the sand and could have stayed all day if we’d but had the...
Monarch Babies

Monarch Babies

Last month, Hannah and I began collecting Monarch caterpillars. We set them up in a screened in box on the porch and cared for them with Milkweed scavenged from throughout town. The caterpillars still in our garden ate every leaf of all of my Milkweed – all...
Milkweed, Monarchs, and Missteps

Milkweed, Monarchs, and Missteps

Monarchs Butterflies are so fanciful dancing about the Milkweed as if they haven’t a care in the world. They seem to flit about with no rhyme or reason and are difficult to photograph (in focus) during flight. For the past two summers, Hannah and I adopted a few...
The Doodle Dilemma

The Doodle Dilemma

Doodle, our littlest Blue Swedish duck has been broody for about three weeks now. We’ve watched her move her nest from one corner of the coop to another corner with the help of our “ducky cam.” We started noticing eggs that may have been pushed out...
Porch Company

Porch Company

Our new bunny visitor is this young cottontail rabbit (I think). She’s much smaller than the rabbit we typically see hanging around. This little visitor and took up residence on the porch for the afternoon.
Ducky Cam

Ducky Cam

For the second year in a row, we have a broody chicken. And no rooster. Hannah took pity on chicky mama and tucked a few duck eggs under her with hopes that she can finally hatch a baby. What we’ll do if this works, I don’t know. Do the ducks stay with the chickens?...
More Wandering Ducks

More Wandering Ducks

Once again our ducks have been wandering. Hannah discovered them where they shouldn’t have been. Our Pekin ducks typically didn’t wander far but these Welsh Blues are always looking for greener pastures. Or better ponds....
The Hummers are Back!

The Hummers are Back!

One of my favorite events of the year is when the Hummingbirds return. It’s as clear a sign of spring as we get here in Maine. The boys returned the weekend of May 11. I saw my first little guy buzzing around the other bird feeders, so I rushed to get a nectar...


Today was a very “yellow” day at the bird feeder! Male Yellow-rumped warbler Female Yellow-rumped warbler A Goldfinch? Male Goldfinch Male White-throated Sparrow Male Yellow-rumped Warbler
Damn Ducks

Damn Ducks

Hannah’s family of Swedish Blue ducks have made it through their first winter at Downeast Thunder Farm. They didn’t stray far this winter, sticking close to their house much of the time. With the snow melt and spring rains, they been enjoying the driveway...

Not My Typical Visitors

I had some unusual visitors at the feeder today. The ducks found a break in the fence and have been exploring new territory. One look at me through the window and they waddled back through the fence to where they should be. Then this beauty showed up this afternoon...
An Evening Timberdoodle

An Evening Timberdoodle

Look who came to visit this evening! A Timberdoodle! Or American Woodcock if you must. Timberdoodle is much more fun to say. I’ve only seen one before and this guy was just a foot or so beyond my porch. Paul spied him while he was talking on the treadmill. What...
A Wonderful Visit

A Wonderful Visit

Hannah once asked me what my spirit animal might be. Given my deep affinity for owls, I told her it would be an owl. “A small owl?” she asked. “No, a big ass owl, like a Great Gray,” I told her. Frankly, I’d want to be top of the food chain.  However, the truth is, it...
It was only a matter of time.

It was only a matter of time.

I wondered how long it would take. Turns out it was only a matter of time before the squirrel discovered my new window bird feeder. They’re brazen little things. That cat virtually on the other side of the window didn’t scare him. Gidget barking...
Snowy Day Entertainment

Snowy Day Entertainment

It’s rare that I have the house to myself. With Paul away taking Hannah back to college, I had all types of plans for my weekend. Rather than being wonderfully productive, I felt a bit unsettled. I worry when my family is on the road – and in a winter...
A Morning Buck

A Morning Buck

While lingering over my coffee this morning, this young whitetail buck came to visit. Ten feet outside the living room widow he nibbled at berries. Hannah and I watched him for at least five minutes before he realized he wasn’t alone. And then he started...
Inundated with Grackles

Inundated with Grackles

A flock of Grackles arrived on Monday contrasting beautifully with the birch tree outside the living room window. They are so much more than just black. When the sun hits them, they shine. They worked their way through a feeder full of seed. As beautiful as they were...
A Summer of Passive Gardening

A Summer of Passive Gardening

My dreams for my garden aren’t grand. Yet, it seems with each consecutive year, time becomes scarcer. With the demands of too many jobs, there’s little time left over for the things I enjoy.  My garden is a prime example. Paul built me this great little green house....
While I Was Away

While I Was Away

I have deposited Hannah to Denison University for her sophomore year. She’s got a fabulous room and roommate situation this year and she said, “I have really good vibes about this year.”  I cried for just a short while instead of the entire trip home. Progress on the...