New to the Pond

New to the Pond

Three weeks after Puddles and Gabby joined the farm we introduced them to the big ducks. The ducks didn’t exactly throw out the welcome mat for them. Hera tried her best to chase the ducklings out of the pond. Then Oscar joined the fray. When they’d had...
Launching of the Duckies

Launching of the Duckies

The ducks make their maiden voyage in “The Big  Pond” today! When we took the fencing down that separated the duck yard from the pond, it took them a few minutes to realize they could cross that magic line. Once they figured out they were free they made a...
Duckling’s First Dip

Duckling’s First Dip

It was a stupendously beautiful day here – perfect for the new ducklings first swim. Here are Puddles and Gabby testing out the water in my rubber tote. This swimming thing takes a little getting used to. They weren’t too sure about the whole experience....
Cute in a Bucket (Squared)

Cute in a Bucket (Squared)

Check out the little cuties who joined the farm today! We picked these little baby Pekin ducklings up from the local feed store today. We’ve eagerly awaited their arrival so we could give broody Dilly some babies – a reward for sitting on her nonproductive...
Have you Hugged Your Duck Today?

Have you Hugged Your Duck Today?

Hannah has! Quackers is having a warm Epsom salt foot bath. Her waddle has turned into a limp as a result of an infected sore on her foot. It’s been treated and she’s spending a quite night in the garage. I think Hannah enjoyed the excuse to hang with her...
Under Water

Under Water

This picture was taken during yesterday’s torrential rain. The rain came down so hard that the duck’s mortar box and play yard were under water. They were having a grand time frolicking in their new (albeit temporary) pond!
Dilly the Broody Duck – Turkey Egg Update

Dilly the Broody Duck – Turkey Egg Update

Dilly’s broodiness continues. She is defending her nest with more gusto lately, refusing to be chased off it when we want to collect the new duck eggs she’s added to her clutch. She’ll leave the nest for a dip and a nibble when she’s good and...
The Not So Wild Duck Chase

The Not So Wild Duck Chase

I looked out the kitchen window this morning and saw this trio in my garden, madly nibbling away at anything green they could find. As soon as I stepped outside with my camera they were off and running. The jig was up. They knew they were in trouble and headed...
Another Broody Girl!

Another Broody Girl!

Another farm girl has succumbed to Spring fever and has gone broody. Shadow, one of our two Ameraucana chickens hasn’t left her nesting box for the past couple of days. Today was the first I’d learned of it, so I paid her a visit. She didn’t budge...
Silly Dilly – The Movie

Silly Dilly – The Movie

Okay, it’s a really short movie. Take a look at Dilly tending to her nest of chicken eggs. I know it’s silly, but I’m fascinated by my first broody duck! Other Dilly Posts 27 March 2012: Rules to Being a Broody Duck 23 March 2012: Dilly the Broody...
Dilly the Duck Adopts Chicken Eggs

Dilly the Duck Adopts Chicken Eggs

Dilly stopped laying as of yesterday and at the same time became very serious about sitting on her nest. Obsessively so. Over the weekend, I candled the duck eggs she had been sitting on. Sadly, they were not fertile. Since Dilly has stepped up her commitment to...
Rules to Being a Broody Duck

Rules to Being a Broody Duck

There are rules to being a successful broody duck. I’m not sure Dilly understands that. She starts out the day doing a really good job. She has a drink, some breakfast, goes for a dip in the mortar box and then heads back in to sit on her nest. By the time...
Dilly the Broody Duck

Dilly the Broody Duck

Our sweet little Dilly Duck has developed quite the attitude. It took us the better part of a week to put together all of the pieces and realize that Dilly is feeling broody. Each day, after Paul collects the eggs, Dilly sits alone in the corner of the yard;...
Duck Tracks

Duck Tracks

I went out to check for eggs this afternoon. This was my first clue that the ducks were not tucked away safe and sound in their yard. I followed the tracks and found a duckie super highway. They had been very busy ducks. It didn’t take great tracking skills to...
Oscar Laid an Egg!

Oscar Laid an Egg!

Oscar laid an egg!?Turns out Oscar is a girl. A renaming may be in order. Oscarina? Not sure that works. I think she’ll be forever Oscar to us. Here’s her egg along with a Bantam egg (green one), Buff Orpington egg (brown one), and the beautiful Pekin duck...
A Stalker in the Night

A Stalker in the Night

The first storm of 2012 dropped four inches of slushy snow overnight. The snow was the perfect foil to expose those who lurk in the shadows of the night. Living in the Maine countryside means that you share the land with predators. We’ve seen eagles, hawks, fox,...
The Great Escape

The Great Escape

The ducks escaped from their pen this morning. Three times. Before 7 a.m. In frustration, Hannah and I scoured the perimeter searching for the weak spot and couldn’t find one. Hannah said they must be flying over the fence which is all of 3′ tall. I had a...
Raising the Roof on the Duck House

Raising the Roof on the Duck House

We raised the roof on the duck house! Literally. Once a flat roofed chicken house and run, the structure needed a little remodel for the ducks. So we raised the roof (so the snow will slide off this winter), added a door for cleaning and egg collection. A coat of...
Tropical Storm Irene Brings Ducky Weather

Tropical Storm Irene Brings Ducky Weather

With Hurricane Irene we planned for the worst and ended up with the best. We were on the far eastern edge of the storm and had a short spell of steady rain followed by a very windy night. The power went on and off repeatedly (maybe 25 times?) for hours – the...
Dilly – Our Physically Challenged Duck

Dilly – Our Physically Challenged Duck

Dilly, affectionately known as “Silly Dilly,” arrived as a new hatchling five weeks ago. It wasn’t until I took her out of the brooder and let her run around outside in the garden for the first time that I noticed her legs have not developed properly. Dilly’s legs do...