custom garden trug

Each year, Women for Healthy Rural Living has a raffle auction – except for the last two COVID summers. I’ve often been able to talk Paul into making and donating an item. In the past, he’s built a rowing dinghy and a child’s pedal Bugatti car, among other things. I know he’s busy with his boat this year, but when I spotted plans for a garden trug on Pinterest, I had to ask.

custom garden trug

I requested two – one for me and one for our auction. Paul recently finished building mine using scrap material we had floating around. I revamped my Downeast Thunder Farm logo so he could use his X-Carve to transfer the logo onto the ends. I think it came out quite lovely!

custom garden trug from plans

I’m not sure Paul’s thrilled with the design and how it goes together (he really doesn’t like that angled handle). Since he’s still game, I told him he could knock out another one of these using nicer materials for his auction donation – or design one of his own. I’m betting that’s the route he goes. Stay tuned!

If you’re curious about how it went together, check it out here! 

custom garden trug