Harry Potter Monopoly

We have a history of modifying board games. Nine years ago Hannah and I created our Harry Potter Monopoly game.

Space Version of Sorry Game

Over Christmas break, Hannah decided that it was time up upgrade our Madagascar-themed Sorry! board game. Her nerdiness in full-swing, Hannah redesigned the game board into a planetary universe complete with fiery comets. .

Custom Version of Sorry Game

She designed space ships for the playing pieces and new cards to draw.

Space Version of Sorry Game

It was especially fun for me because I had the opportunity to teach Hannah how to use some of the more advanced design/illustration software functions.

She designed the board full-size on her computer, and then we printed it out in sections on 11×17″ paper. From there, we trimmed the panels and used rubber cement to adhere it to the original game board. Sorry! The Space Edition brought us lots of fun on Christmas eve and will likely become a family treasure.