A lovely Christmas day is coming to a close. The best part of this holiday was spending yesterday with Hannah cooking Christmas dinner.

Our tipsy-looking Christmas tree has been such a bright spot the past few weeks,

standing watch over carefully wrapped presents. On Christmas morning, we take turns opening carefully chosen gifts enjoying everyone’s reaction.

flet squares

Possibly the most treasured gift was the trio of felt squares Hannah designed and created for me. Each of them features a flower that relates to home or a shared experience.

Bees on Lupin felt square

“Bees and Lupines” is my favorite. She did such a beautiful job representing the flowers, her stitch work just lovely.

Bees on Lupin felt square

The detail on the tiny bees is darling.

Bees on Lupin felt square

On the back of each square, Hannah stitched the square’s title and finished it off with a heart.

sunflowers flet square

Then there is “Sunflowers.”

iris on the rocks felt sqare

And “Iris on the Rocks.”

I can’t imagine any gift Hannah could have purchased that’s more special to me than these designs she spent the last months creating—gifts from the heart. ♥

Merry Christmas!