Hannah and I trekked to Alaska Cove off Willard Point today – a spectacular afternoon for a hike. I’m not sure why we’ve never explored this trail before as it’s only fifteen minutes from the house.

A Wood Thrush flitting about the undergrowth.

Alaska Cove is to the left and Pleasant Bay to the right. The tide low, we tip-toed through the seaweed and water to walk around this tiny island.

hannah and susan selfie

We perched on the rocks and enjoyed a beautiful spring day. At least that was my excuse – I’m terribly out of shape and appreciated the pause.

Alaska Cove at Willard Point

Views like this reminded Hannah how much she missed Maine while being away at college in Ohio.

Willard Point on Pleasant Bay

A wonderfully welcome spot, perfect for another pause.

mother daughter selfie

I’ve missed taking the mother/daughter selfies to document our adventures.

field of ferns in Maine

A field of ferns.

dappled light

Dappled light.

A gorgeous day yet I’m so happy to be back home with my feet up!