The other week I shared pictures of this guy attempting to raid my new bird feeder.


At first I thought the design baffled him.


Then, one morning I found him hanging by his toes, nibbling away at the buffet. I threw open the window and shooed him away.

That worked the first time, but the second, well he just looked at me and nibbled on.

Determined not to let a rodent get the best of me (cute as he may be), I pulled out the big guns. I raised the window sash, reached for my secret weapon and BLASTED the air horn. Caught by surprise, Paul’s coffee flew, and the cats and dog ran for cover. This poor little guy exploded off the feeder, dropped into the snow with a plop, scrambled for purchase and ran away.


Then, I find him sitting at the cafe table on the snow covered porch, staring longingly at the bird feeder. And, yes, I felt guilty.


This morning, at his “spot” he discovered a dish of goodies just for him. Yes, I’m a sucker. It’s very cold outside – and there is a lot of snow. He took the longest time before he check it out. I do believe he thought it was a trap.