August Weekend Snapshots

August Weekend Snapshots

It’s been a weekend full of puttering – a little weeding, a little landscaping around the pond, a little planting of new lettuce, spinach and kale. A little photography along the way. The Colonel ever watchful over his flock. Quackers checking out the...
A Weekend on the Farm

A Weekend on the Farm

It was a weekend of two weather forecasts. Saturday was beastly hot and humid. Sunday was glorious – a perfect Maine summer day. I spent both days outdoors working on a myriad of garden and critter chores, sneaking in some reading by the pond and taking pictures...
Weekend Snapshots

Weekend Snapshots

It was a glorious weekend here. Sunny and seventies. It would have been perfection but for the black flies. Insidious little things. Did you know they have serrated teeth? My legs – a minefield of red swollen bites are proof. Lots of things happened at Downeast...
Blustery Weekend Snapshots

Blustery Weekend Snapshots

It was a blustery October weekend here. Windy enough to strip the autumn colors from the trees and make me appreciate how quickly autumn is passing. Feeling the pressure, we packed a lot of projects into the last two days. Although it was just two-and-a-half months...
Early Autumn Sunday Snapshots

Early Autumn Sunday Snapshots

Suddenly, autumn is showing her colors. We had our first scrape-your-windows hard frost last week. On October 5th – can you believe it? Entirely too early for comfort. That snap of cold has triggered some changes. Here are a few autumn pics from around the...