A Cat In Need of Love

A Cat In Need of Love

When Hannah left for college in August, the toughest part of leaving home for her was leaving Snape, aka Boo, behind. While we have two cats and a dog, Hannah is Boo’s human. Since Hannah’s departure, Snape has moved into our room taking up permanent...
What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

In our house, it seems that it’s only a matter of time before our loved ones are labeled with nicknames. Hannah was just a wee one when she became Roo or Hannah-Roo (much to her dismay today). Purfessor Snape, our black kitty is most often called Boo. Yet,...
Downeast Thunder Farm Kitty

Downeast Thunder Farm Kitty

Our Christmas tree went up this year with my Much Loved Ginger and Gidget Puppy ornaments on it. It didn’t seem fair that the kitties weren’t represented, so I created this pattern with Cinder as the subject. She’s the only one who will sit long...