The Power of a Greenhouse

The Power of a Greenhouse

Intellectually, I understand the value of a greenhouse, but this is the first time I’ve  really put the theory to test. In mid-August, when summer was still in the air, I planted a second crop of green beans. Then September came and it was as if Mother Nature...
The Potato Harvest

The Potato Harvest

My first potato harvest started in the spring when Hannah helped me build this basket for growing potatoes. I planted Kennebec and a red variety of seed potatoes. Excited when the potatoes sprouted, I dutifully layered the plants with straw and compost as they grew....
The First Green Beans

The First Green Beans

My garden is finally yielding goodies! We’ve had lettuce and peas, but everything else is finally taking off. We picked our first green beans today. It seems that my green beans are sustaining others as well. In the ten minutes it took me to pick these beans, I...
The Slug Patrol

The Slug Patrol

We’re having a much needed rainy day at Downeast Thunder Farm  –  nice soft steady rain has been falling all day. Perfect Ducky Weather – just right for bringing out the slugs. The ducks spent more time paroling for slugs and bugs than they did...
Busy Bees

Busy Bees

After a long day of working outdoors tending gardens, looking after critters, and landscaping, I spent an inordinate amount of time photographing these busy bees in my lavender. There were dozens of bumble bees randomly buzzing here there. (Click on the pics for a...
A Weekend on the Farm

A Weekend on the Farm

It was a weekend of two weather forecasts. Saturday was beastly hot and humid. Sunday was glorious – a perfect Maine summer day. I spent both days outdoors working on a myriad of garden and critter chores, sneaking in some reading by the pond and taking pictures...
A Little Garden Therapy

A Little Garden Therapy

Instead of tackling my mile-long work “to do”? list I opted for a little garden therapy today. I don’t often play hooky from my desk when there’s work to be done, but sunny and sixty with a forecast of a rainy week ahead lured me outdoors. I...
What’s Wrong With This Picture?

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

It’s February and we’re in Downeast Maine. And this crazy little Viola? Yesterday it was t-shirt weather. Today it’s bitter cold with winds howling through like a freight train. Yet signs of Spring are waging an impudent challenge to the calendar. In...
Weekend Snapshots

Weekend Snapshots

It was a pretty low key weekend here. I spent the bulk of the weekend working on a deadline with little breaks puttering outside. Here are a few weekend highlights.
Ducklings in the Garden

Ducklings in the Garden

Meet our ducklings! Today I harvested half of my garlic crop. In the empty space I erected a temporary enclosure for the ducks and covered it with deer netting so they would be safe from hawks. Now that they are out of the brooder we noticed that Dilly’s legs...
The Summer Scent of Lavender

The Summer Scent of Lavender

These days when you step out onto the porch, you smell a burst of lavender. My lavender, both pink and purple, is in full bloom. It’s an old-fashioned smell that will always remind me of summer. More flower posts: 19 June 2011: In My Lavender Today 25 July 2010:...
Working For Your Garlic

Working For Your Garlic

I put my garlic loving Hannah to work today snipping the scapes off the garlic. She helped to plant this batch of garlic in the fall. I seem to recall plantint 97 cloves, but came up with only 91 scapes.
Asparagus – finally!

Asparagus – finally!

I planted my one year old asparagus crowns a month ago. When nothing happened right away I despaired that they would never sprout (they sat in the box for three weeks before the asparagus bed was ready). In fact, I was gearing up to plant some potatoes in their place...
In My Lavender Today

In My Lavender Today

My lavender is on the cusp of blooming. Some other creatures are enjoying the lavender too – like this stripped ladybug. These baby grasshoppers. I thought this was a leaf and was trying to pluck it out of the lavender. I pulled the leaves aside and discovered a...
Spring Rains

Spring Rains

It seems that we have been inundated with rain lately. Despite the wet weather, the early spring veggies we planted a couple of weeks ago are doing okay – and the snow peas are thriving! I think our raised beds might help – their feet don’t sit in...
Indoor Starts

Indoor Starts

Last Sunday, on April 24 I started three trays of seedlings in my little Burpee greenhouse. Each tray has twelve cells. Burpee Pepper Carnival Mix Burpee’s Big boy Hybrid Tomato Burpee Tomato Roma This morning, the tomato sprouts were just breaking through the...
A Garden Beginning

A Garden Beginning

May 1st seemed like a good time to start my outdoors vegetable garden. I’m really not certain what “early spring” means when it comes to planting – especially for Maine. I guess we’ll find out in a few weeks when we see how what...
May First

May First

Today is May 1st and it’s a glorious spring day with temperatures in the upper 50s. My hyacinths and daffodils are in full bloom. I’ve got a volunteer viola that’s taken root. The wild flower seed I threw over my septic field last summer has some new...