It’s days like this that reward us for surviving seven months of heating season (aka winter). We’re officially off the wood boiler for the season.


It’s days like this that require me to pause along the side of the road and watch geese meander the river in the morning light.



It’s days like this that make you appreciate warm temps with bright blue skies and fields full of blueberry blossoms. There’s nothing better.


Unless it’s a field of blueberry blossoms with a view.


It’s days like this that prompt me to turn the car around for a second look at a great view framed beautifully between apple trees and birches.


It’s days like this that make me thankful I left work a little early.


It’s days like this that have me spying on the baby Phoebes.


It’s days like this that make me scan the river for geese bedding down for the night. I love how they can all but disappear in the marsh grass at the end of the day.

It’s days like this that make me wish for more days like this!