I’ve been dreaming of and plotting for a greenhouse for years. The inspiration for our greenhouse came from this video on YouTube. After considering a variety of different styles (pvc, cattle panel, hoops, etc.) we opted for this design for a few reasons. It will reputably stand up to strong coastal winds and heavy snow. The materials were available locally, and we didn’t need to purchase special tools necessary for bending hoops.

Like all of our projects, it started with a plan that Paul drew up in CAD. Inevitably we hit the point where we flew by the seat of our pants and made things up as we went along.

We had such good luck with our hugelkulture gardens last year, that I wanted to try hugelkultures inside the greenhouse.  Here’s a look at the greenhouse construction. Click on the thumbnails to scroll through larger images.

A few notes about the greenhouse.

  • We used pressure treated wood for all of the wood pieces that come into contact with the dirt.
  • We used left over cedar lathe given to us to fasten the plastic to the framework.
  • This is where we purchase our four-year greenhouse plastic.
  • My hope is to add gutters to the sides and have the runoff flow into a couple of rain barrels to use for watering.