Today brought another round of record-breaking temperatures to Downeast Maine. The long shadows of winter belied the springlike weather. Less than one week into winter found me lounging in a chair in front of the pond taking in the sights.


The banties were out en force. We’ve now three roosters among the flock of eight.


It was a sad ending to Christmas day when Little didn’t return to the coop last night. She’s one of our original hens and a family favorite. We searched and called for her before giving up. Paul and I both ventured out first thing this morning with hopes she had survived the night and returned. You can imagine our surprise when she popped out of the coop this morning as if there had been no drama at all. We’re still not sure where she was hiding!


We may have one more day of this reprieve before we’re wrapped in a blanket of cold once again and the pond returns to a skating rink. In the meantime, I’ll enjoy this simple gift.