My body still achy from gathering wood yesterday, I suggested a hike on Great Wass Island as a way of getting out of more wood gathering today. Great Wass Island Preserve is part of the Nature Conservancy’s lands. We gave our selves a time limit – we’d hike as far as we could during the first hour and then turn back. That took about two thirds of the way on the Mud Hole Trail with gorgeous views of Eastern Bay from the granite cliffs.


Hannah’s response to my incessant picture taking.


Hannah and I hike in Gumby mode with Paul usually bringing up the rear.


A pretty little tree growing out of the moss on a granite rock.


Hannah pausing for a look at the view while waiting for me to catch up.


Here’s Paul finally catching up to us in the parking lot. He was only 10 minutes behind us, but a little miffed we had the water bottles.

It was a glorious autumn day. In only wish we’d had the energy and time to make the full 4.5 mile hike. Maybe another day.
