Tonight was bittersweet. Junior High basketball season (dubbed the craziest season of all) is all but over. The girls played (and won) their last regular season game at home tonight.

The eighth-grade players (all three of them) presented their mothers with flowers. A thank you for the carpooling, enduring bleacher butt, listening to the unending game play-by-play recaps, and generally putting up with a 13-year old enduring the drama of playing basketball with nine other girls.


Hannah waiting her turn to present me with a bouquet, all the while feeling a little uncomfortable that she’s the center of attention.


As much as I moan and groan about the craziness basketball season adds to my life, I’m very proud of Hannah for working so hard on and off the court. Despite living through the craziest season of all, she made the Honor Roll again. Go Hannah!